Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What a summer!

We have had a great summer so far. Between Florida, Pennsylvania, and ACL surgery( for Kodi) we have kept busy! Gavin is having a great time and loves being outside. Here are a few pics:

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Gavin's Visit to the Barber

Although we put it off as long as we could, we finally had to take Gavin for his first haircut. It was hard to say goodbye to those little curls. It is amazing how much older he looks now. Here are some pictures from our trip to the barber shop...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Gavin!

Gavin had a great time celebrating his first birthday. He actually got to celebrate 3 times! Kristin's family came the weekend before Gavin's birthday and Hani's family came the weekend after. The "real" day came in the middle of the week so it was just us that night. We can't believe a year has passed so quickly.

Hmmm... I wonder why Gavin has been trying so hard to open doors lately??

This was Gavin's cake before he was allowed to demolish it.

Demolition in progress!

Nothing's better than getting messy...

...then getting a scrubdown in the kitchen sink!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Keeping warm!

We are just about settled in here in Michigan and finally feel like we are back into a routine. We are getting used to the frequent snowfall. We gave up on shoveling this week and bought a snow blower. Kodi is fascinated by the snow and constantly whines at the back door so that he can go out and eat some more of the delicious white stuff. Gavin is really moving around now. He is pulling up on everything and starting to take some steps while holding on for dear life. Here are a few recent pictures:

Here is Gavin at the back window. The window sills are the perfect height for him to grab onto and pull up. Kodi is in his usual position by the back door.

Here is Gavin on his first sled ride! I think he was a little confused as to what was going on at first. We did manage to get one smile though! He got a real kick out of watching Kodi going crazy and eating the snow.

Gavin had a great Valentine's Day! We couldn't believe that he left these stickers on his face so long. Here he is trying to call his sweetheart.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Long time, no post

Ok, we know we have been awful. Since our last post we have been very busy. We packed up all of our belongings, sold our house in Pennsylvania, went to Florida for Christmas, bought a house in Michigan, and started two new jobs. We are finally getting settled in and around to posting some more pictures. Our apologies to those of you who have checked for updates that weren't there.

Gavin is doing great. He is pulling up and starting to take steps while holding on to furniture. He has 6 teeth now! He is a really pleasant baby and he loves to laugh and play. Here are some pictures.