Tuesday, April 24, 2007

How time flies...

Here are the pictures of Gavin at two and three weeks. It is amazing to watch him grow and change everyday.

Friday, April 13, 2007


Gavin was lucky enough to meet his grandparents and most of his aunts and uncles shortly after coming home from the hospital. Here are a few pictures.

A picture of the whole crew

Dad & Mom, Gavin and Grandparents

Three Generations

Thursday, April 12, 2007

My first week

What a week it has been! Gavin is adusting to his new home and family, while the rest of us are still adjusting to our new sleeping patterns and arrangements. (Any advice?!) Even Kodi needs a break and better sleep; the top of the stairs is as far away from his little brother as he will go. Gavin is getting bigger every day and starting to look more like his mom and dad. On Monday night, Kristin had be to rushed to the ER as a result of some bleeding problems post-partum; no worries now, mommy is doing very well and on her way to a full recovery. On Tuesday, when we all got home from the hospital, Gavin had his first doctors appointment. He passed with flying colors and is almost back to his weight when he left the hospital. April 10 was Gavin's 1 week birthday. On Thursday morning, dad and mom discovered that Gavins umbilical cord is almost completely gone; still searching for that elusive last piece in the blankets!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter! Gavin is glad that he made it here in time to meet the Easter Bunny.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Introducing Gavin Patrick

Gavin's birthday finally arrived, with a bit of intervention. We went to the hospital on 7:30 PM on Monday 4/2/07. Kristin was given some medication to help move things along overnight. The next morning the doctor broke her water and administered pitocin to induce labor. Gavin was born at 4:12 PM on 4/3/07. He weighed in at a whopping 9 pounds and measured 21" long.

We are completely overjoyed that he is finally here. Words can't describe the emotions and happiness we feel.

Here are a few pics of our little man. More are sure to come...