Thursday, August 2, 2007

Four Months!

Gavin turns four months old tomorrow! Here are a few pictures from the past few weeks:

Here we are on Gavin's first day at daycare. We'll let you guess who cried
((Hint: It wasn't Gavin))

Gavin definitely enjoys his cereal!...

And when Daddy makes funny noises... ...a big belly laugh is sure to follow. :-)

Life is good.


The Kiser's said...

We've been waiting on some new pics! He looks as happy as a baby can be! Hope the day care is going well.

Aunt Nee said...

That first drop off at day care has to be the worst. Gavin will be busy charming the gals in the infant will Hani probably...but what harm can that do? You can't have too many ladies in love with your little sweetie boy. You all look great. Hope to see you soon. Take care.

Unknown said...

Your family is so beautiful!