Wednesday, May 9, 2007

One month

Here are Gavin's one month photos. We went to the doctor for his one month check-up and all is well. Gavin now weighs 11 pounds and has grown 3 inches--making him a full two feet tall. We continue to work on sleeping for longer stretches during the night as Gavin seems to have a liking for middle of the night snacks. These pictures were taken during Gavin's first visit to Ma and Pop Pop's house. Gavin loved all of the activity and is looking forward to going back soon.


Jean Chia aka Ms.Yummy~licious said...

hello, ur baby is so cute.. congratulations! I like the way you put the date & comment on a piece of paper and put it next to ur baby.. :)

The Kiser's said...

He's too cute. At 1 month old he's already as big as Anna is at 3 months. Hope you get some good sleep soon.


Unknown said...

He is so precious! You all look so happy! Hope to see you soon! Love, Lisa